
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

Travel in time 馃檧

The decision to time travel is a fascinating and complex topic. My choice would depend on the rules governing this hypothetical journey. If my actions could have repercussions, I’d probably opt to travel to the future. I really appreciate my present and wouldn’t want to alter it. If my actions didn’t change time, I’d love traveling to the past. I’d explore natural places that no longer exist or have changed. It would be incredible to see beautiful landscapes, flora, fauna, and climate of those times.   I’d love to solve some archaeological mysteries. For example, understanding the Rongo Rongo symbols, a form of writing from Oceania found in Rapa Nui, whose meaning is unknown. I’d also like to discover the purpose of the Nazca lines.   Despite this, I wouldn’t want to stay in the past. The comforts and securities we enjoy today are valuable. Moreover, it’s in this present where the people I care about are. While the past holds many mysteries and wonders, it also lac...

My dream job 馃樃

I would like to work as an engineer in renewable natural resources, a career I love for its connection to biodiversity conservation. I imagine a job that would let me travel and learn about different ecosystems and cultures, nationally and internationally. I think it would be rewarding and fun. To do this job, I would need skills like language proficiency, computer program use and data analysis. I would also have to be updated on the latest research and trends in the field of renewable natural resources. Moreover, I would like to do a master’s degree to specialize in an area that I find fascinating and challenging. As for the salary, I do not have a specific figure, but I would be happy with one that would allow me to keep my current lifestyle and save some money for the future. However, the most important thing is to enjoy what I do and feel that I am making a positive difference in the world. This is the job that I want for the future, because it matches my interests, values and skil...

The best concert ever 馃樆

I don’t go to concerts often, but I’m happy I went to one in Santiago. It was Nathy Peluso’s gig at the Movistar Arena, and it was great. She is one of my fave singers, and she has a cool mix of rap, soul, jazz, and Latin rhythms. She is also very lively on stage, and she knows how to rock the crowd. The atmosphere at the event was good, fun. It was full but not overcrowded, so I could get close and see her better. That made it even more cool. And as a bonus, I made a friend at the concert. I went alone, but I met a nice girl. We had a lot in common, and we enjoyed the show together. I told her about my career, and she decided to study natural resources engineering too, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile later on. I joked that I had turned her to the dark side. It was a great night, and I’m grateful I went. Nathy Peluso is a great artist, and she touched me with her voice. She made me feel alive and happy. She gave me the best concert ever.